Hire A Video Production Service To Document Your Business's Grand Opening

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When you're planning a grand opening event for your new business, you'll want to put considerable effort into making sure that lots of people attend the event. As much as it's important to advertise this event, you also need to think about documenting it. The best way of doing so is to partner with a video production company that can attend your grand opening and capture it on video. You can then use these clips as promotional material or for other similar functions. Make sure that you talk with your video production crew to ensure that it captures these important parts of the grand opening.

Ribbon Cutting

The most significant part of any new business's grand opening is the ribbon cutting — a symbolic event that officially opens the business. You'll want to have some footage of this event, so talk to your video production crew about when and where it takes place. Generally, this part of the grand opening will take place either outside of your business or in the lobby. Before it begins, the video crew will get into the prime shooting position as well as have other cameras ready to capture peoples' reactions.


Interviews with people who have attended the grand opening will also be something that you want to capture on video. Give your video production crew some guidelines as to what you're looking for. For example, you might ask the crew to interview half a dozen attendees and get them to talk about what your business will mean to the community. These comments will add life and excitement to the video coverage of your grand opening and may also be effective to use for marketing purposes later on — with the peoples' permission, of course.


It's common for a grand opening event to include a tour of the business, so you'll want to ensure that a crew member from the video production company is on hand for this, too. He or she can record you or another person from your business talking to the guests and leading them through the building. This can also be a good time to document some of the features throughout the building. For a restaurant grand opening, for example, this tour may include a stop on a stylish patio behind the establishment and a walk through some private dining areas. Each of these elements, as well as other clips that the crew gathers, can all combine to tell the story of your exciting grand opening.

To learn more about filming a grand opening, contact a video agency in your area.
